Caged Puppy

Caged Puppy

Workout Tracker

  • Current Weight 225
  • Gym Time 1.5 hours per weekday

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seattle Pride Weekend!

Last friday was a bit hectic,,, the morning started out as most with my alarm going off, a journey into work stopping for my coffee, saying hello to the ones I know, but there was something different also. I was going to head to Rubberasylums after work!  We had been chatting since my last visit and I was missing him and Wetsuit Jay.  Its peaceful there, I get to enjoy being their pup, playing, and meeting new friends.

Rubberasylum is my Trainer, my Sir.  I have a Master who lives a good distance away, hes quite an amazing man, I am so proud to be his puppy. We trust each other and when I asked if I could train with Rubberasylum, all he asked was if I trusted him to treat me well.  He never ceases to suprise me in such ways and He and my Trainer have talked quite a bit to each other finding ways to make me a better pup no doubt.

On my last visit for training Rubberasylum told me that for a week before I returned to him I could not paw off. I told my Master of his order and he ordered me to lock myself up in chastity to make sure I would be a good puppy.  I whimpered and locked myself up and I was so ready to head up to Seattle!  It was the horniest I had been in a long time, I so wanted Rubberasylum to let me out!  How could he say no, I had done what he told me to do, listening to both Him and my Master, I deserved to paw by now! 

When I got on the road after work, all I could think of was seeing my Trainer and being back in my kennel, enjoying the weekend as a pup. My chastity cage was feeling rather tight, I wanted it off, the trip couldnt get over fast enough!  It was Pride weekend, another thing to look forward to, an outing with my Trainer!

When I finally arrived I was met at the door with smiles and hugs. I brought my belongings in, catching a moment  to give Rubberasylum the keys to my CB6000, nicknamed my sheath by my Master, blushing as I told him what my Master had said to do.  He smiled as he took the keys, telling me I had been a good boy for listening to him. 

My heart sank a little bit, he was going to leave me locked up!  there were other visitors showing up also and as Wetsuit Jay and Rubberasylum greeted and introduced them to me, all I could do was stand there still trapped, realizing I was truly a pet, that I was owned and would be kept not as I wanted, but how my trainer and Master felt I should be kept.  I whimpered and all Rubberasylum said was "Poor puppy, you had better be good or that might not come off for the whole weekend". 

We all talked for a bit, then it was time to enjoy a bit of hot tubbing, we all went downstairs and my Trainer told me to disrobe. I whimpered again and he pointed at me, telling me to strip. I took off my clothes, my cock trapped in its cage in front of him, he grinned as I pulled up my shorts, giving me a grope in the process before we went outside to soak a bit.  When we came back in we all stopped to get out of our wet shorts. Everyone saw my situation as I pulled off my shorts, the trapped puppy. 

We talked a bit more and Rubberasylum let me get into my pupgear. I got to sleep with him friday night, still sheathed with Him holding the keys. As I laid beside Him squirming he told me I had better not touch myself, he didnt have to let me out and I should realize he wouldnt have to think twice about it if I wasnt a good puppy.  I went to sleep one very frustrated dog, a lesson learned, I really am a pet.

To be continued....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A week pondering my puppy responsibilities

Its been a good week for me, Rubberasylum gave me alot to think of; my responsibilities of being a productive and helpful dog for the family. Some parts of it not met with open paws, bringing up memories of times I would rather not have brought up. I was asked, not ordered, to take on certain chores around the house, things that arent too much to ask, making beds, doing dishes, being agood host when visitors come to see us, keeping the playarea clean  *wags!*  and..... cooking....

  That, cooking, I hate it, it brings back memories of times long ago, ones I dislike for personal reasons. I havnt HAD to cook for the last 10 years and I am perfectly fine with that. Dispise is the word that comes to mind. I balked at this request. The others I understood completely, helping out is required, showing ones thanks for being accepted with open arms, repaying a kindness that has been offered. But cooking.....  Thats a sore point in my life. I was rather taken aback, I offered the option of a good meal out when I was with Rubberasylum and Wetsuit Jay, anything to not have to do this. It may seem strange, but, well, pups have bizzare hangups.

  As my visit ended I still hadnt given in to this request, I didnt want to do it and made it pretty obvious to my Trainer. I had made suggestions to other ways to fulfil his want for me to help in this way and had explained my reasons behind it. I couldnt understand why i needed to do this.  It took a few days of thinking from time to time why he would ask this of me to reach the conclusion. It is a way to show appreciation, a way to give something back. I'm not happy about it still, but I will try to do my best to help in this regard.

  Above and beyond that its been fun thinking of staying in my kennel again. This coming weekend I get to visit and its also Seattle Pride! It sounds like my Trainer has plans for an outing for this, hes not said anything about the plan, but I am so looking forward to it! I hope we can get a few pictures for me to post here and get in a bit of play also. Slowly my gear is getting updated, not having others to play with for a while made me forget about gear for the most part, but now the interest is back. I want to be a good looking pup!

  I call Rubberasylum my Trainer. Hes an amazing man who has let me begin a journey that I have wanted to travel for a long time. I am thankful he offered me this chance even though I have another I call my Master. There is a special someone in my life who has that place, one who took my paw and slowly lifted me from a broken relationship. One I love deeply who can never be replaced. I thank both of you for allowing me this chance. I want to be the best pup that one can be and with both of you working together I know I can succeed.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Response From The Trainer: Re: Contract Accepted

I have shared before, in my own blog, Rottie is an amazing pup...

He approached me, after we played a few times, and requested that he be trained... This is a lot to ask: Speedbumps must be mowed down, understanding of ones place within a household needs to be realized, many shortfalls and mental blocks need to be broken.

It was actually surprizing to me in the directives of my expectations of the pup that we discovered the first hangup, and it seemed to be one that was going to be a bit of a mental fight for him.

All connections in our community, be it puppy, Trainer, slave, boi, Daddy, Master, slut, Sir, etc... The list goes on, whether you are contracted for a year, or chained down in the basement for life, it's still a relationship.

Within that relationship, and within that household there is work to be done. Everyone must chip in in some fassion no matter how heavy handed the chores may be loaded upon the lesser creatures of the home. It was a domestic request that brought a look of fear to the pups eyes...

I actually was a bit concerned. I was not going to back down. It was fully on the pups shoulders to set the tone of his training going forward... Was he going to allow a hangup to do him in so quickly from something he wanted? Was he going to be able to look beyond past hatreds to understand the importance of my request as part of his training? And even if he didn't understand the "why" of my expectation, was he going to be able to push past to see his inner challenge, knowing that training is not always things that may make sense to him?

It took Rottie 2 days of careful concideration on my ask, to come around to the importance of the request...

He then approched me and told me that he understood the importance to his trainer or his master in regards to my expectations.

This made me very happy...

I knew I selected the right pup,

I shall let him expand on this situation in his next posting... In his own words...


Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekly Post From The Pup: Contract Signed

Current Weight: 235.5

I headed up to see Rubberasylum on Friday night. The trip was slow but I had so much to ponder on the ride my mind running over the contract that I was told to write myself, what was really going to happen if my contract was accepted and everyone who had to sign it did so. I was in quite a rush to make it to his place, this was going to be an amazing thing, asking another to train and mentor me on how to be a better puppy.

This was the night I was going to give my contract to my Trainer to either be accepted or denied. My mind was a jumble of thoughts, would I be accepted as his puppy, and would his Top accept me becoming a part of the family; the list goes on... 

I arrived at the house at 9:00 pm and made my way to the door, my Trainer opened the door with a smile and welcomed me in. He had company, Rocket, another rubberpup was here also. We made our introductions and I got my things brought inside and then i offered my finished contract.

My Trainer read over it, offering his thoughts on certain parts, what would be allowed in my training, what my limits would be, hoping he would find it to be to his satisfaction. Rocket watched as the 3 of us discussed my joining the family as a pup, throwing in some of his thoughts and experiences, all the while watching me become more and more nervous sitting there in my pupgear hooded and mitted,  his playful devious grin growing wider and wider as, honestly, my mind began to wonder what I was actually getting myself into! 

After being teased and told what I had "forgotten" to put in my contract seeing everyone else grin as they proposed what "could" happen to me because of such omissions, we signed, making my contract official. An agreement to be trained as Rubberasylums and WetsuitJay's puppy, accepted into their home as their pet. The journey had officially begun!

That evening I got to enjoy being a puppy, playing in the playroom, having a fun night with everyone and I got to sleep with my Trainer that night, along with Rocket. Us pups enjoyed a fun evening of playing together.

The next day we got to set up the kennel I made in the playroom, my kennel, *wags*. It was an easy setup with Rocket and my Trainer helping and after wards we went off to home depot to get supplies for the padded mat to put within it. It was an adventure hauling a sheet of plywood and padding back to the house with 3 people in the car as well.

When we got the rubber mat together and installed there were 2 happy pups just waiting to get into it, definitely a good project! 

Later that evening we went to dinner at Rubberasylums former Masters home. After he had introduced me to his friends and we enjoyed some talking, he had me get back into my pupgear. I was lucky and got to eat sitting at the table altho I was told to stay in my wetsuit, and when the meal was done it was back to being a pup, hooded and mitted, staying on the floor as a good doggie should.

When not geared as a doggie we talked about my duties and chores that are mine to complete when I visit. I was told the list will grow as time continues and my training advances. In my eyes its a small price to pay for the chance to be trained by such an awesome man.
