Caged Puppy

Caged Puppy

Workout Tracker

  • Current Weight 225
  • Gym Time 1.5 hours per weekday

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A week pondering my puppy responsibilities

Its been a good week for me, Rubberasylum gave me alot to think of; my responsibilities of being a productive and helpful dog for the family. Some parts of it not met with open paws, bringing up memories of times I would rather not have brought up. I was asked, not ordered, to take on certain chores around the house, things that arent too much to ask, making beds, doing dishes, being agood host when visitors come to see us, keeping the playarea clean  *wags!*  and..... cooking....

  That, cooking, I hate it, it brings back memories of times long ago, ones I dislike for personal reasons. I havnt HAD to cook for the last 10 years and I am perfectly fine with that. Dispise is the word that comes to mind. I balked at this request. The others I understood completely, helping out is required, showing ones thanks for being accepted with open arms, repaying a kindness that has been offered. But cooking.....  Thats a sore point in my life. I was rather taken aback, I offered the option of a good meal out when I was with Rubberasylum and Wetsuit Jay, anything to not have to do this. It may seem strange, but, well, pups have bizzare hangups.

  As my visit ended I still hadnt given in to this request, I didnt want to do it and made it pretty obvious to my Trainer. I had made suggestions to other ways to fulfil his want for me to help in this way and had explained my reasons behind it. I couldnt understand why i needed to do this.  It took a few days of thinking from time to time why he would ask this of me to reach the conclusion. It is a way to show appreciation, a way to give something back. I'm not happy about it still, but I will try to do my best to help in this regard.

  Above and beyond that its been fun thinking of staying in my kennel again. This coming weekend I get to visit and its also Seattle Pride! It sounds like my Trainer has plans for an outing for this, hes not said anything about the plan, but I am so looking forward to it! I hope we can get a few pictures for me to post here and get in a bit of play also. Slowly my gear is getting updated, not having others to play with for a while made me forget about gear for the most part, but now the interest is back. I want to be a good looking pup!

  I call Rubberasylum my Trainer. Hes an amazing man who has let me begin a journey that I have wanted to travel for a long time. I am thankful he offered me this chance even though I have another I call my Master. There is a special someone in my life who has that place, one who took my paw and slowly lifted me from a broken relationship. One I love deeply who can never be replaced. I thank both of you for allowing me this chance. I want to be the best pup that one can be and with both of you working together I know I can succeed.

1 comment:

  1. I hate the vacuum. It’s a loud bothersome noise and when I was a kid an old vacuum ran over my toes and bloodied them up so now I associate it with pain. When I lived with my ex he only vacuumed when I wasn’t in the house. My personal epiphany was “It’s not service to a Dom if you are only willing to follow the orders you like.” So now I tell Doms when it comes up how much I hate vacuuming “with the flaming white hot passion of a thousand suns” but also tell them that I will vacuum when asked/told.

    Dom types need to know what makes our stress levels go up. During or right after vacuuming I am not nearly as playful as I am the rest of the time. I always hope my willingness to vacuum is more important that actually vacuuming and I won’t have to do it often. I love to cook though.
